New YOGA classes at Bernard Chiropractic

Welcome to YOGA.

Irene, an experienced YOGA teacher for many years, will assist and support yoga students to understand and appreciate their own body, never feeling limited by it and to work within those ranges.

Yoga is a holistic approach to strengthening the mind and the body.

At Bernard chiropractic, everyone is encouraged to explore the range of their mobility at their own pace to increase mental and physical energy.

Practice of YOGA will increase flexibility, muscle strength, balance, cardio and circulatory health which may improve metabolism.

Enquire today and join one of our sessions.

About Us

BOOK NOW Bernard Chiropractic has been serving the local community for over 33 years. CHIROPRACTIC improves acute and chronic back pain syndromes, spinal movement, muscle flexibility and strength, promotes healthy function of body & brain (nervous system) & postural reflex balance through POSTURE & FUNCTIONAL ALIGNMENT from the feet up. As part of a LIFESTYLE…

New Pregnancy Research Published author Maria Bernard-Giglio

Drivers, barriers, and response to care of Australian pregnant women seeking chiropractic care for low back and pelvic girdle pain: a qualitative case study Maria Bernard-Giglio 1, Simon D French 2, Corrie Myburgh 3 4, Katie de Luca 5 Affiliations1Department of Chiropractic, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. of…


Pregnancy related Low back pain (PR LBP) may have  many causative factors. These include;  Postural changes on spinal joints, ligament instability and pain, hormonal changes, previous back pain conditions, previous babies and poor spinal muscle control are a number of possible reasons for low back pain in pregnancy. An evaluation of the literature shows that …

Babies, Toddlers and Adolescents

As your baby develops from birth, crawling, walking and running, their spine is exposed to many bumps and stresses which can disturb the development of feet, knees, hips, back and neck. “Chiropractic is the most popular form of practitioner-based Complementary Alternative Medicine for children as confirmed by the American Academy of Pediatrics U.S”    Pediatrics…

Functional Orthotics

Functional orthotics support the three interconnected arches of your foot, the plantar vault. The structural support for the entire body’s equilibrium is gained from your feet’s plantar vault. Imagine building a foundation of your house on strong supports….that is how the arches of your feet support your spine. If these arches start to collapse then…

What To Expect On Your First Visit

On your initial visit to your Chiropractor, a POSTURE analysis of your structure/body, is related to FUNCTIONAL movement patterns (how well your spine and connecting limbs move!). Chiropractic specifically screens for dysfunctional areas (restricted movement) of the spine or “The back bone”. This screen is a careful examination of the “back bone” and its biomechanical…

What Do Chiropractors Help With?

Chiropractors are allied health practitioners who use spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) along with various mobilization technique, soft tissue massage, trigger point therapy, and exercise rehabilitation in their treatment programme. With  a 5  year University Bachelor of Science and Masters degree, they are trained with an emphasis on nerve-muscle-joint (neuromusculoskeletal) diagnosis and know when and when…

Am I Too Old For Chiropractic Care?

Am I too old for chiropractic care? Balance and postural issues become even more important to address with age. Falls can have serious consequences. Also, with growing concerns about the side effects of combining various prescription drugs, chiropractic assessment of musculoskeletal concerns can provide alternative options for mobility, flexibility and chronic pain. The adjusting technique used…

How Long Does It Take To Get Better

The initial goal of chiro care is to provide relief of your pain! The intensity  of pain or muscle tension experienced by individuals, is dependent on their threshold of pain. That simply means, each of us “feel” pain or tension differently and some people “feel” their pain or tension more than others. This is important…

Healthy Spine Checklist

Start your year the healthy way! Your Health is a choice. You control your lifestyle and it is under your modification if you want to. By making a choice to understand your own health you can make better lifestyle choices that will lead you to better musculoskeletal health. STEP 1 GO THROUGH THIS CHECKLIST TO…