
In the past 5 years there has been a spotlight on paediatrics and chiropractic care. Chiropractors take serious care of babies, by observing our medical oath, “do no harm” central to any treatment.

The independent group, “Safer Care Victoria”, initiated from the Victorian Ministry of Health 2019, wanted to ensure that public health was clear on this matter.  It received approximately 22,000 responses from the public.  Of these parents, 99.7%  reported a positive experience with the chiropractic care of their children. The overwhelming majority of parents/guardians reported that chiropractic spinal care helped their child, with 98% indicating that their child improved after treatment. It was clear that parents/guardians appreciated the time that their child’s chiropractor took to listen to their child’s symptoms and to engage with them and their child. A sentiment that was strongly expressed was the right of a parent/guardian to choose their child’s care.

Parents/carers access chiropractic care for their child for a wide range of conditions and complaints, including maintaining general health and wellbeing. The most common conditions are posture concerns, colic, neck pain, difficulty with breastfeeding, back pain and headache. However, using spinal manipulation for these and other health conditions have insufficient evidence to support using this care.


Research is slow in providing evidence. However, Clinical experiences has been a sharing of knowledge, from techniques showing changes in a baby’s health, by observations from paediatric chiropractors in clinics around the world. So there are many case studies which show improvement in these conditions. However, these are considered low in evidence.  Paediatric osteopathy  which is similar to the care taken by chiropractors has provided  strong evidence with manual therapy on effectiveness of care, especially in premature babies.

Maria has provided her own case studies to the literature which have been published or presented at conferences.

These include: Breast feeding issues, gait and movement and plagiocephaly or “flat head” syndrome in babies.

With few studies in the evidence-based literature, evidence-based care is often due to the experiences of the chiropractor and the effects that are observed by the parents or carers and the chiropractor with this care.  Maria’s expertise has been developed with looking at previous clinical encounters and hypothesis that look at the nervous system as a pathway of communication to the musculoskeletal system. This is integrated with best treatment care available which is found in manual therapy.

Research in Italy

Manual therapists as those who have skills to treat babies, including the branch of osteopathy.

Our osteopaths in Italy have gained full permission in Italian Hospitals to perform spinal manipulation, mobilization and massage techniques with premature babies. They have performed high evidence research involving double blinded randomised control studies using these gentle manipulative therapies. These results showed significant improvement in premature babies’ health. Significantly, these premature babies improved and went home earlier than those with usual care.

Don’t be fooled with the media

Recently the media has portrayed the idea of treating babies from chiropractors which promote “cracking” of their immature skeleton. This is a gross overexaggeration of the real pressure’s chiropractors/manual therapist use in care. In babies, the pressure is as gentle as placing a finger over an eyeball.

Hands-on Approach

The procedures used in chiropractic care on babies and toddlers are non-invasive, placing joints and soft tissues into positions of ease. Often care is using the baby or toddlers own breathing and general movements that may assist the changes the chiropractor can feel in muscle tone and movement in joint movement.


I have been helping mothers and babies for over 30 years having further studies in paediatric chiropractic and a master’s in research specializing in pregnancy, with many clinical encounters. I care deeply about the wellbeing of mothers and children. Communication is not just with the parents. Listening to the babies’ responses throughout the examination and treatment provides important feedback. Importantly, I keep everyone informed about what I find and how I will approach this care.

Our clinic is “Kiddy” friendly with appropriate puzzles, books and toys to help to keep the children comfortable and entertained, whilst also helping to evaluate their development.

After a detailed history and examination of milestones, reflexes, spinal movement, we try to ensure manual therapy care is appropriate to the needs of the baby.

Growth & Development

Growth in the uterus and the passage of birth can put stresses on the baby’s body, which might affect their comfort, growth, feeding, digestion, breathing and development. This may be evident in the first few weeks or problems may develop later in their childhood.

Babies Growth

An infant’s head is designed so that the plates of bone under and over lap one another during the birth process to pass through the birth canal. Usually sucking, breathing and crying help to allow pressure changes to re organise the delicate soft bones back into normal position. Sometimes the forces of a long or difficult labour, or one requiring the use of instruments during delivery, can inhibit this process of recovery. This might produce difficulties with head or neck position, which may result in a baby showing a preference to lie in one direction. Or the parents may notice their baby’s head shape may be changing with flattening on one spot. These physical findings along with problems with feeding, digestion and settling are often reasons for babies to be brought for chiropractic/manual therapy care.

Signs & Symptoms

Signs and symptoms that parents often discuss include: -

  • Difficulties with head and neck positioning

  • Asymmetric shaping or flattening of the baby’s head

  • Irritability, difficulty with settling and sleep issues.

  • Feeding problems such as poor tongue motion or inability to position and attach well.

  • Recurrent infections perhaps of the eyes, ears nose and throat.

  • Asymmetry of the baby’s movement and position of the spine or limbs.

  • Concerns about clicking joints – often these occur normally and spontaneously within a young baby but a paediatric chiropractor can help to assess whether the joint motion is within normal for each age group.


Many families consult me through word-of-mouth recommendations of friends, family or other parents.

Interprofessional discussions are encouraged with each encounter to promote further cohesiveness of care.  You do not need to be referred by a GP but we will involve other health care providers where appropriate.

Background in Paediatrics, Pregnancy and Masters in Research

I have treated babies for many different conditions and have taken care of babies, toddlers and teenagers since I began my career, over 30 years ago. I trained at RMIT in a chiropractic paediatrics course and obtained a distinction certificate in paediatric chiropractic. I have contributed with published works and presented at seminars my study on flat head syndrome.

International and national conferences

I have presented clinical research at state, national and international conferences, including the 5th International Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Prague and at the 11th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Girdle Pain in Melbourne.

In Italy I presented on the topic of chiropractic management of a pregnant woman with back pain. After this conference in Rome, I drove over to Abruzzi, and interviewed a researcher in paediatrics. I purposely sought him to discuss and exchange ideas about his research. He is an osteopathic researcher/PhD doctor whose studies demonstrated the efficacy of osteopathic care for neonates reducing stay time in hospital and better breastfeeding abilities.

It shows our care is providing the evidence that manual therapy is safe, gentle and effective.

If you would like to discuss whether your child is suitable for CHIROPRACTIC care, please contact me for advice.

Yours in health

Maria Bernard-Giglio

Ready to Support Your Child's Health Naturally?
Discover the benefits of gentle chiropractic care for your child at Bernard Chiropractic. Whether it's addressing posture concerns, colic, or general discomfort, our experienced team is here to help.


What is the 'cracking' sound you hear with an adjustment?