Discover the Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Exploring the Role of Chiropractors in Performance and Achieving Your Personal Best

Chiropractors are skilled allied health practitioners who incorporate spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) alongside various mobilisation techniques, soft tissue massage, trigger point therapy, and exercise rehabilitation into their treatment regimen.

With a comprehensive education consisting of a 5-year University Bachelor of Science and Masters degree, chiropractors are trained with a focus on nerve-muscle-joint (neuromusculoskeletal) diagnosis. They possess the expertise to discern when to apply manipulation techniques and when to refer patients for further medical assistance. Additionally, chiropractors are registered to take spinal x-rays or make direct referrals to Radiology for spinal x-rays.

In Australia, chiropractors are integral members of the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) Medicare system, which grants chronic pain patients access to five subsidised treatments under Medicare. To explore this option, it's recommended to consult with your GP and seek further advice.

Some of the conditions chiropractors commonly address include:

  • Back and neck pain/stiffness accompanied by functional disability or weakness

  • Poor posture, balance, and restriction/tension linked to muscle weakness, tension, or pain

  • Sports performance recovery

  • Nerve impingement, radiculopathy, stenosis, instability

  • Torticollis or stiff "wry" neck

  • Jaw pain, including the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

  • Sciatica or back pain with leg pain referral

  • Shoulder, rotator cuff, and tennis, golfer’s elbow pain

  • Rib or breathing restrictions due to musculoskeletal restrictions

  • Disc and facet restriction, nerve irritation, and "pinched" nerve

  • Neck or cervicogenic migraines and associated muscle or joint referred pain causing headaches

  • Knee problems, such as ligament or meniscus issues

  • Ankle and foot joint and muscular problems, shin splints, plantar heel pain

  • Pregnancy-related lumbo-pelvic pain, including sciatica leg and back pain

  • Back pain and dysfunction related to menstrual cycle problems, asthma, coughs, and pelvic issues.

Ready to experience the benefits of chiropractic treatment for yourself?
Book an appointment with us today to start your journey towards improved health and well-being!


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